DIPEx Swiss – Database of Individual Patients’ Experiences

The Swiss Database of Individual Patient Experiences provides a systematic and methodological collection of individual interviews about real-life experiences with health issues such as Alzheimer's disease or multiple sclerosis. DIPExSwitzerland is a group of researchers from the Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine (University of Zurich) and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences – School of Health Professions (ZHAW). The project is part of the international DIPEx network with 14 countries. DIPEx works with a well-established and rigorous qualitative research methodology developed by the University of Oxford in 2000, which is documented in the Health Experience Research Group (HERG) manual. This qualitative study is based on narrative and semi-structured interviews. Video- and/or audio or text sequences will be presented online. We conduct narrative interview studies of people’s experiences of health issues and provide resources for information and support that are freely available for patients, family members, clinicians in training, teachers, and researchers on dipex.ch. The project aims at harnessing the power of patient voices to stimulate improvement in Health Care.

Project Lead

UZH: Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Nikola Biller Andorno


UZH: Andrea Glässel, Beatrix Göcking, Andrea Radvanszky, Bettina Schwind, Corine Mouton-Dorey, Giovanni Spitale, Sebastian Wäscher


UZH, SPO Patient Protection, ZHAW, German Network for Health Literacy


Since 2017


Alzheimer Switzerland, Collegium Helveticum, Obra Social Fundación «La Caixa», Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Society, Cancer Research Switzerland.

More Information

Project WebsiteProject Website